
What is complex can be understood only when the mind is simple. (U.G. Krishnamurti) /心が単純な時にだけ複雑なものが理解される。(クリシュナムルティ)

Got the new image of Malcolm X (マルコムXの(わたしにとって)新しい一面について)


We have talked about him, Malcolm X, for the last few days. This interview was very astonishing for me... How brilliant he was!!! Especially his way of talk is quite different from his image I had gotten in  my life so far.
He has been represented as violent, rebellious and being filled with anger. However, when you watch this interview, it is quite remarkable that he was very cool hand, even philosophical and rational. And, it was the most surprising for me that... he was skinny (I mean he was not hunky...!!). So, where did the image of Malcolm X I had had come from??? Maybe people have emphasized the differences between him and King too much. But, actually they had a lot of similarities in their message and approach.
Additionally, his English is very understandable, I mean he didn't have strong accent. One of my Chinese friend agreed with me very much... maybe because he has been struggled with this problem too, native's strong accent.
Anyway, this interview is very interesting. Malcolm talked about the slavery he had experienced using his own history, based on his NAME. And, you'll notice how irreverent the interviewees were during his talking. Their comments against him were totally out of the mark.

てゆーかさ、マルコムXって世界史で名前しか習わなくない?キング牧師のアプローチの方が後世評価されたからだと思うんだけど、だからってマルコムXを雑に扱うことないのに。キング牧師が平和的で、マルコムXが暴力的だと一概には言えない。2人ともメッセージ性や活動自体の強烈さ、凄まじさは同等だと思うよ。なんか、マルコムXはアウトローみたいな描かれ方をされがちだけども。インタビューを観たわたしのマルコムXの印象は、知的・聡明・そして痩せてる!! キング牧師の方が体格いいじゃん!!!とか思った笑 あと英語がすっごく聴き取りやすくて、一回で全て理解できるレベルだった。当時のアフリカン(黒人)ってきっついアクセントがあって何言ってるか分からないイメージが若干あったんだけど、違ったね。こういうイメージだって元はと言えば、奴隷、田舎者、無教養などのバイアスを持ったステレオタイプなんだ。どっちがモテるかって言うとマルコムXの方がモテそうとも思った笑